My first week (almost two weeks now) on exchange has gone so fast and it has been a week filled with emotions. From saying goodbye to Australian family to meeting my new Japanese one these past 10 days have been like no other thing I’ve ever experienced. As soon as I said goodbye to my family reality set in and the whole 12 hour plane ride I couldn’t stop thinking about how I’m not going back to my home for a whole year. However my friends, family and teachers here are constantly making sure I’m okay and helping me with anything I need which is greatly appreciated. So far I’ve been really enjoying my exchange. From eating ramen again, seeing real snow for the first time, trying to ski (which involved a lot of falling), and having school lessons in a completely different language. I am excited to find out what I’ll do/see/experience this year as it looks very promising!
My new class, I’m number 43 (bit bigger than the 12 people in my homeroom back in Australia)

A few of my closest friends so far

Showing my patriotic side to my host cousin on Australia day

The weather here is a bit different to the summer I left in
The daily walk to school involves walking past a wall as snow as tall as me
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